Registered user since Sat 4 Apr 2015
Name:Yannis Smaragdakis
Research Interests: applied programming languages and software engineering
- Language mechanisms for abstraction (declarative languages, program generation, DSLs, modules and components, generics, extensible languages, multi-paradigm programming)
- Program analysis and testing (pointer analysis, automatic test generation, invariant inference, symbolic execution)
- Languages and tools for systems (programming models for concurrency, language support for distributed computing, memory management and program locality)
Affiliation:University of Athens
Personal website: http://smaragd.org/
- P/Taint: Unified Points-to and Taint Analysis
- OOPSLA Overview & OOPSLA 10-Year Most Influential Paper Award
- OOPSLA 2016 PC Chair in Steering Committee
- SIGPLAN Town Hall
- Why do a Ph.D. and how to pick an area?
- Heaps Don't Lie: Countering Unsoundness with Heap Snapshots
- Speaker in PLMW Speakers within the PL Mentoring Workshop (PLMW)-track
SPLASH 2017-profile
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