* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Wed 30 May 2018 11:00 - 11:20 at H2 room - Apps and App Stores I Chair(s): Jocelyn Simmonds

The prosperity of smartphone markets has raised new concerns about software security on mobile platforms, leading to a growing demand for effective software obfuscation techniques. Due to various differences between the mobile and desktop ecosystems, obfuscation faces both technical and non-technical challenges when applied to mobile software. Although there have been quite a few software security solution providers launching their mobile app obfuscation services, it is yet unclear how real-world mobile developers perform obfuscation as part of their software engineering practices.

Our research takes a first step to systematically studying the deployment of software obfuscation techniques in mobile software development. With the help of an automated but coarse-grained method, we computed the likelihood of an app being obfuscated for over a million app samples crawled from Apple App Store. We then inspected the top 6600 instances and managed to identify 601 obfuscated versions of 539 iOS apps. By analyzing this sample set with extensive manual effort, we made various observations that reveal the status quo of mobile obfuscation in the real world, providing insights into understanding and improving the situation of software protection on mobile platforms.

Presentation Slides (ICSE18-Technical.pptx)1.54MiB

Wed 30 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

11:00 - 12:30
Apps and App Stores ITechnical Papers / Journal first papers at H2 room
Chair(s): Jocelyn Simmonds University of Chile
Software Protection on the Go: A Large-Scale Empirical Study on Mobile App Obfuscation
Technical Papers
Pei Wang Pennsylvania State University, Qinkun Bao , Li Wang , Shuai Wang , Zhaofeng Chen , Tao Wei , Dinghao Wu
Pre-print Media Attached
GUILeak: Tracing Privacy-Policy Claims on User Input Data for Android Applications
Technical Papers
Xiaoyin Wang University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, Xue Qin , Mitra Bokaei Hosseini , Rocky Slavin , Travis Breaux Carnegie Mellon University, Jianwei Niu
Online App Review Analysis for Identifying Emerging Issues
Technical Papers
Cuiyun Gao Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jichuan Zeng , Michael Lyu , Irwin King
EARMO: An Energy-Aware Refactoring Approach for Mobile Apps
Journal first papers
Rodrigo Morales Concordia University, Rubén Saborido Infantes , Foutse Khomh Polytechnique Montréal, Francisco Chicano , Giuliano Antoniol Polytechnique Montréal
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
Q&A in groups
Technical Papers