* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Luigi Lavazza

Registered user since Wed 28 Mar 2018

Name:Luigi Lavazza

Luigi Lavazza is associate professor at the Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche e Applicate, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria. Formerly he was an assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano. Formerly he worked in industry, where he was involved in both research and software development. Since 1990 he is also collaborating with Cefriel (www.cefriel.com), where he acts as a scientific consultant in digital innovation projects.

His research interests include, among other topics: Empirical software engineering. He participated in research activities aimed at studying the optimal definition of thresholds for faultiness estimation. ETC Software metrics. He was active in evaluating functional size measures, as well as in proposing improvements and alternatives to traditional functional measures. He also cooperated to studies concerning dynamics software measures. Software quality evaluation, especially concerning Open Source Software. Software process modeling, measurement and improvement. He participated in numerous studies aiming at defining methodologies (usually based on the GQM method) and tools supporting software process measurement (possibly based on process models) and evaluation. Software project management and effort estimation. He studies effort estimation models, especially using complexity measures in conjunction with functional size measures. Requirements engineering, especially concerning traceability and the estimation of the cost of implementing requirements changes. Model based development, especially concerning real-time and embedded software.

He was involved in several international research projects, and acted as the coordinator of research groups in several projects funded by the EU or by the Italian government. He also served as reviewer of ESPRIT and IST projects.

Professionally, he was involved in several initiatives aiming at process evaluation an improvement.

He served on the PC of a number of international Software Engineering conferences, including ICECCS, ESEM, OSS, ECIME, EASE, WSM-Mensura. He has also served as a reviewer for the most important journals that cover software engineering topics. He is member of the steering committee of ICSEA and editor in chief of the International Journal on Advances in Software (http://www.iariajournals.org/software/).

Since 2006 he is a member of the board of the PhD course in Computer Science and Computation Mathematics (Informatica e Matematica del Calcolo).

He is co-author of over 150 scientific articles, published in international journals, in the proceedings of international conferences or in books.

Affiliation: Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Research interests:Empirical software engineering; Software metrics; Software quality evaluation; Software process modeling, measurement and improvement; Software project management and effort estimation.



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