* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Jordi Cabot

Registered user since Tue 21 Jun 2016

Name:Jordi Cabot

I’m an ICREA Research Professor at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, a Research center of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) where I’m leading the SOM Research Lab.

Previously, I’ve been a faculty member at the École des Mines de Nantes and team leader of the AtlanMod Research group on an Inria International Chair and worked in Barcelona (Technical University of Catalonia ), Toronto (University of Toronto) and Milano (Politecnico di Milano).

My research falls into the broad area of systems and software engineering, especially promoting the rigorous use of software models and engineering principles in all software engineering tasks while keeping an eye on the most unpredictable element in any project: the people involved in it.

Affiliation:ICREA - UOC
Personal website: http://jordicabot.com
Research interests:software engineering, model-driven engineering, open source, open data


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