* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Francisco Gortázar

Registered user since Wed 16 May 2018

Name:Francisco Gortázar

I’ve been working teaching and researching for more than 14 years now. During these years I’ve been involved with the industry providing consulting and courses on cloud technologies, software architectures and infrastructure as code.

I’m co-leading the Code group at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. At Code we collaborate closely with companies assisting them in topics like testing, migrating applications to the cloud or re-architecturing. We have been working with companies from the telecommunications industry, companies focused on mobile and web development, and we have expertise also in real time multimedia communications.

From an academic perspective, most of my publications come from the Operations Research area, but currently I’m mostly focused on testing in Software Engineering, specifically testing large complex distributed applications (mostly in cloud).

I do give courses, both in house and at the university, about Distributed Systems, Web cdevelopment with Spring, NoSQL Databases, Cloud Native Applications, Continuous Integration and Deployment, and Infrastructure as Code (devops technologies and methodologies).

I’ve written two development books (Spanish). One of the is focused on learning different programming paradigms (Lenguajes de Programación y Procesadores), the other one is aimed at teaching Java and OOP starting from the design (Diseñar y programar: todo es empezar).

Affiliation:Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Research interests:Testing, Distributed Systems, Operations Research


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